[A6] re :replace my A6

QualityTunage at aol.com QualityTunage at aol.com
Wed Dec 15 14:17:05 PST 2004

>So fine. Sorry, I hate to sound pissy, but you've 
been harping on this too much :P, and I'm about to 
the point where I'm going "DUDE! This is an 
analog synth! You *buy* these expensive monsters 
for the sloppy tuning  because it *sounds better!*
You have programmers working round the clock, 
trying to emulate sloppy tuning using odd C++ 
function so that DSP synths can actually sound 
1/4 like the A6 does, and you have the real thing,
and your Andromeda can stand up the the JP8000s of
the world and blow the !@#$ away its "super saw" 
so-called phat with one farkin' oscillator,
and you complain about the "feature" that allows it
to do this?"

Well, that's one person's opinion. :P

I couldn't agree more. It sounds like he needs a digital synth to me. I have 
all of the 'supposed' best soft synths out there, but nothing touches the 
Andromeda for that powerful raw sound. I only scrape the surface of what this 
synth can do, but I always get something phat out of it. I only use around 10% of 
its total capacity but it was still worth paying the £2K I paid for it. Still 
lovin' it a year on...

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