[A6] re :replace my A6

Chris Pickett chris.pickett at mail.mcgill.ca
Wed Dec 15 13:15:26 PST 2004

Dr. Georg Müller wrote:
> Chris Pickett schrieb:
>>What do you notice if you take a monophonic sine wave on one oscillator,
>>and put it into unison mode with 2 voices, and hold down keys, testing
>>two voices at a time?  I find there's between 5 and 20 seconds in the
>>cycle each test produces (the sound will drop out eventually) for any
>>pair of voices.  I don't remember enough (although I could figure it
>>out) to calculte the difference in frequency, but I think that's
>>probably good enough, without a meter.
> The beating frequency is the difference-frequency of both oscillators,
> so a beating periode of 5 seconds is equivalent to a delta f of 0.2 Hz,
> 20 seconds are equivalent to a delta f of 0.05 Hz

I guess that's pretty obvious ... duh.  Thanks!

I just realized you could test all combinations of voices pretty easily 
in mix mode with 16 sections and every key playing 440 Hz.  I'll get 
around to it, just 'cause I'm curious more than anything.


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