[A6] new or old andromeda

Tim Kleinert slimtim at bluewin.ch
Sun Dec 12 02:31:49 PST 2004


I bought a new Andromeda a month ago and have zero problems with it.

The notion that newer production runs (those of the "Numark-Alesis" era)
are of inferior quality doesn't make sense to me, as the manufacture of
the Andy is outsourced to Taiwan anyway. And it is very unlikely that
they actively downscaled the quality specs of the ASIC chips, as that
would require modifying the whole chip production setup, which is very
expensive to do.

IMO, buying new gives 2 advantages:

1) Well, it's new, obviously :)
2) potential flaws will manifest within a short time -while the unit is
still under warranty. If your Andy is a lemon, it will show quite

Therefore, thoroughly test your new unit in the beginning. I thoroughly
checked the autotune protocol everytime after the first few warm-ups,
and still do so occasionally. You might want to ask your dealer to
perform a few such tests before shipping the unit to you -just to be on
the safe side.

Anyway, remember: this is an _analogue_ synth! People get worked up if
their autotune protocol says eg. "too high" in some voice somewhere. But
consider that the very same kind and amount of deviation occurs in _all_
analogue polysynths.  It's just that the Andys tuning routine is
elaborate (and honest!) enough to let you know about this. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: a6-bounces at code404.com [mailto:a6-bounces at code404.com] On Behalf

> Of Shawn O.
> Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 12:21 AM
> To: A6 mailing list
> Subject: [A6] new or old andromeda
> atm I am trying to decide if i should buy a new Andromeda from 
> http://www.RiksMusic.com or find someone who has a used one that is in

> good working order RiksMusic as will check the unit out for me before 
> sending it to me,
> my concern is that it seems that many of the newer production 
> andromedas seem to have lots and lots and lots of problems more often 
> then not and I know that it would take me a good amount of time myself

> to run through a checklist to see if a particular Andromeda had any of

> these issues that I read about,
> has anyone been able to side by side the older production models with 
> the new ones ? are the asics of lesser quality in the new ones ?
> any thoughts ? _______________________________________________
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