[A6] new or old andromeda

Shawn O. sobrien at wavecable.com
Sat Dec 11 15:21:25 PST 2004

atm I am trying to decide if i should buy a new Andromeda from 
http://www.RiksMusic.com or find someone who has a used one that is in 
good working order RiksMusic as will check the unit out for me before 
sending it to me,

my concern is that it seems that many of the newer production andromedas 
seem to have lots and lots and lots of problems more often then not and 
I know that it would take me a good amount of time myself to run through 
a checklist to see if a particular Andromeda had any of these issues 
that I read about,

has anyone been able to side by side the older production models with 
the new ones ? are the asics of lesser quality in the new ones ?

any thoughts ?

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