[A6] re some waveform observations III

Chris Pickett chris.pickett at mail.mcgill.ca
Sat Dec 11 12:06:19 PST 2004

Shawn O. wrote:
> I have been looking into getting an a6 for some time now, some things 
> have been bothering me,. namely posts on AH where people get lemons 
> quite often that need asics replaced or have constant really bad tuning 
> problems and now I see that. you mentioned that the controllers "step"

Try and get a used one from someone who's played it and can vouch for it 
being a working unit.  A fairly large percentage of new ones are bad.

> I was hoping the andromeda could be a main analgoue workstation for me , 
> where i could use its multi treble (mix ) settings to drive 16 different 
> mono synth patched , (bass kick drum, snare, bass lines, FXl, and pads 
> etc.)

You can, except you should be aware that:
   1) the effects are not that great (inc. distortion)
   2) the effects are even less great in mix mode (same for all patches)
   3) pads and strings and long-lasting sounds eat up polyphony
   4) The MIDI implementation can be a pain to work with

> it sounds that if you get into tweaking filters, envilopes and such that 
> you wont get a smooth transition.

That's not really true.  The stepping is only noticeable to me some of
the time, and I think you can work around it.

> would i be better off getting a jupiter 8 ?

I can't comment, I haven't owned or played one.  I love my A6 for what
it can do, even with the various annoyances.  All synths are going to 
have annoyances.  Maybe leo / sunny can tell us about the differences, 
both in terms of sound and usability.


> Chris Pickett wrote:
>> Dr. Georg Müller wrote:
>>> leo schrieb:
>>>> i still feel that a present range of +/- 3cents (Immediatly after
>>>> autotuning) ,with modern technology could and should have been fixed!
>>>> regarding the prices of chips a manual calibrationfunction  in this
>>>> respect might have been the cheapest way out.
>>> I fully recognise your point here, since my studio is still in the 
>>> move boxes I can´t check your sounds with my A6, but I do not really 
>>> understand fully, why you are so keen on the perfect tuning.
>>> I have some synths that tune perfectly, namely all those DCO synths
>>> or digital ones and perfect tuning is reality there, they sound 
>>> mostly dull or un-animated compared to the real analogs I have.
>> I guess the question is, do these problems make a difference when you 
>> go to play live or to record, or is it only a nit-picky thing that 
>> bothers you when you sit there and try to reproduce it?  If you're 
>> going to leave off either one of temp. tuning or background tuning 
>> anyway, then it would seem to be a non-issue.
>> I mean look at an orchestra.  None of the instruments are perfectly in 
>> tune with each other, and many of them have different tuning scales 
>> anyway, making a perfect tuning across all notes impossible ... but it 
>> still sounds great!
>> Personally I'm more concerned with the fact that all of the 
>> controllers step, and sometimes you can really hear it.  Not just when 
>> you twist the oscillator knobs, but sometimes if the ribbon controls 
>> something like filter frequency, it has this annyoing quantization and 
>> I really was that was continuous.
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
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