[A6] 2 questions

Tim Kleinert slimtim at bluewin.ch
Mon Dec 20 15:23:47 PST 2004

fellow Andromedanians,

I have 2 questions -maybe somebody can answer them:

1) When using Voice15/16 external input, the manual states that some
settings are immediately changed to enable audio processing when
pressing the corresponding buttons, like turning off the oscillators and
deactivating the keyboard gate etc.. Not true. The oscillators are
turned off alright, but the VCA still has to be opened "manually", by
striking a key to trigger ENV3. Is this an error in the manual or am I
missing something? And if it IS an error, what is the best method to
obtain an "open VCA" for external processing patches?

2) I've read several but unspecific comments about the A6s MIDI-sync
capabilities being somewhat sub-par. I haven't been able to try anything
out yet myself, but what kind of glitches etc. should I expect? Do the
arpeggiator and sequencer sync alright to external clock? The LFOs? In a
nutshell, what are the flaws?

(Disclaimer: Regardless of flaws etc., I love this synth madly)

thanks for any advice,


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