[A6] micron musings

Chad Gould cgould11 at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Sep 6 05:08:22 PDT 2005

On 2 Sep 2005 at 9:58, Richard wrote:
> Secondly the OS is AMAZING - a brilliant piece of design which is soooo much 
> easier to use than the Andromeda  - despite mostly using only 1 knob! - the 

I think that Alesis did a good job with the Micron OS considering the limited interface. 
However, the interface really is rather limited. I found it a pain in the behind to 
seriously program a sound. I guess that's what the Ion would be for. I've heard 
programming the Ion is pretty much a breeze.

> cup of tea and do some patching... I can carry it between studios, take it 
> home, sit in a coffee house with it... I've never had a keyboard that wants 
> to be used so much... and I think using this may even improve my A6 
> patching...

That's the main thing that I think the Micron can be good for... it's a great sketchpad 
synth. I even wondered if it could be jerry-rigged to work with batteries... that would 
make it an ultimate portable play-toy. 

Now, as a synth in the studio I imagine it depends what you do... that smooth VA 
digilog sound is popular in Euro-techno type stuff. But I agree with you on bass... I 
have two analogs right now (the Andromeda and the Waldorf Pulse) and they 
creamed the Micron. Come to think of it, almost all VAs get creamed by most decent 
analogs. These days, I focus on less synths, so eventually I found no purpose for it. 
Hopefully you do. :) 

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