[A6] Favorite Patches?

Michael E. Caloroso analoguediehard at att.net
Fri Jan 14 20:26:11 PST 2005

> > "Frankensteinway" has been mentioned several times. 
> I use this one, but only because it's nice to have a piano sound for 
> trying new things and practicing.  Actually I'd love to know if there 
> was a more realistic piano sound out there ...

I created the "Frankensteinway" monster (cue scary pipe organ music).

A while later I was tweaking with that patch some more to get it more realistic and  the result was "SpicyCajunPiano".  The timbre and envelope are more natural although I'm still not happy with the tone outside the A6 61 note keyboard, IE low notes.  It was a piano patch I wound up using for a lot of stuff.  Two neat techniques I did was routing a spiky EG to PWM - that REALLY gave some authenticity to the upper notes.  The other was scaling keyboard CV through the tracking generator to filter resonance and to the hard sync'd VCO.  It's in the archives at


It's not the best piano when it's on its own but it's a bright effective piano that really cuts through a full band.  I'm still trying to dial up a good solo piano, one for accompaniment and solo playing.

As for favorites, there are a lot of them that I use.  Have to fire it up this weekend and come back with a list, it's been a while...


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