[A6] 2 questions

Boele Gerkes scd at synthmusic.info
Mon Dec 20 22:56:57 PST 2004

Op 21 dec-04 om 0:23 heeft Tim Kleinert het volgende geschreven:

> 2) I've read several but unspecific comments about the A6s MIDI-sync
> capabilities being somewhat sub-par. I haven't been able to try 
> anything
> out yet myself, but what kind of glitches etc. should I expect? Do the
> arpeggiator and sequencer sync alright to external clock? The LFOs? In 
> a
> nutshell, what are the flaws?
Mmm, my experiences with midi-sync are pretty good (using Logic on a 
Mac with a AMT8 interface). I've never encountered any problems 
regarding syncing the A6 and I use it a lot.
The most annoying thing to me is that bug when using a pedal to hold 
stepsequences. Just don't. You'll get hanging notes sooner or later :-(
And be aware that the A6 is not sending midi notes when using the arp 
and/or stepsequencer.

Boele (now the happy owner of TWO Andromeda's :-))

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