[A6] re some waveform observations III

Chad Gould cgould11 at tampabay.rr.com
Sat Dec 11 12:56:28 PST 2004

On 11 Dec 2004 at 14:58, Chris Pickett wrote:
> Dr. Georg Müller wrote:
> > Chris Pickett schrieb:
> >>I mean look at an orchestra.  None of the instruments are perfectly in
> >>tune with each other, and many of them have different tuning scales
> >>anyway, making a perfect tuning across all notes impossible ... but it
> >>still sounds great!
> > Oops, don´t underestimate tuning in an orchestra. I know how it feels 
> > when the conductor looks at you and then blaming you for that b in 
> > those fast arpeggios being a touch too sharp in front of the other
> > 80 guys :-) I used to play bass in my youth :-)
> I had assumed the difference was greater than +/- 3 cents, but maybe 
> not.  Even without that, different instruments use slightly different 
> scales, if I understand correctly.

1 cent = .25Hz roughly. An orchestra conductor could probably tell a .75Hz deviation, 
but an average person probably couldn't.

I'm starting to wonder whether the post-Alesis bankruptcy Andromedas really are not 
as well made. :P Elsewise I have no explanation for the complaints. I frankly *could* 
tell if my Andromeda was .75Hz off from my 440Hz-tuned digitals that I play along 
with. It's not. Unless I accidentally hit the master tune knob, or the whole synth is out 
of tune. (More often then not, the guitarist in the band with their looser tuning throws 
me off and I have to compensate. :P :) )

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