[A6] re: some waveform observations III

leo leo.lydia at wanadoo.nl
Fri Dec 10 04:58:15 PST 2004

maybe on this continuing story it would be good to give some insight in 
how the question originally came to life:
after buying my A6 I soon noticed the autotune didn't tune like b.e. 
that of my jupiter 8. beating kept occuring and in a range specific for 
each different voices. it seemed as if some voices simply where better 
then others .two or four seemed to be beating just too fast (4hz or 
more). wondering when to speak of an objective problem which should be 
fixed i contacted alesis and ask for the technicalspecifications of the 
oscillatorrange. short to say, i'm still waiting for that.
so i started to measure myself and found the values i discribed above .
also i found strange very audible differences between the filtervca 
chips (patch can be downloaded at patchswapside also mentioned before).
last finding was a keyboardtracking of the oscillators of plus or minus 
8cent between a2/ a4/a6
a very friendly man of the alesis service in my region looked very 
seriously at all this and firstly stated that no real (software or 
hardware) callibration could be made besides the already mentioned 
autotune functions.
so first step was replacing the most deviant voice and vcf chips with 
newer ones. and yes THIS   reduced the  problem and brought them more in 
line. The keyboardtracking problem could not be solved on that time, no 
callibration functions either!
second repair was made when half the outputs (main le+aux ri) gave up. 
(if this had also anything to do with a tip in the tips and tricks under 
looping your out with ext-in w'll never know, i however strongly suggest 
to remove that tip from the tips and tricks to avoid any futherproblems).
as by this time measurements on also an A6 of a good friend of mine had 
shown  that the keyboard clearly was out of range ( the oscillators 
however showed the same deviation), this time the whole soundboard was 
swapped as was the in/outboard.
and yes, the keyboard now is in a +/-1cent range, which is a relieve, 
the oscillators and filters however show the same deviation as with the 
old board after the first repair (now on other voices) .alltogether i 'm 
sure this is the best i can get and am really happy with it.
this brings me to the following questions:
1 why doesn't alesis be more open on the technical specifications
2 wouldn't it be a good idea to buy a bunch of  replacement osc and 
filter chips, which seem to be more closely related in regards to their 
technical specs, swap them with the worst voices and thatway just get a 
better instrument.(cost's a bit , i agree)
3 wouldn't it be a good idea to , also on this side, discussed more 
openly  also the what weaker sides of the A6 design, so that in the end 
everybody  is more able to improve it's instrument and steermanship.

yours sincerly, sunny

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