[A6] only just OT

vespine at netspace.net.au vespine at netspace.net.au
Wed Dec 8 17:22:45 PST 2004


I don't think I can really imagine 'your situation' so this may be completely 
useless BUT I have a Dave Smith Instruments (DSI) evolver, and I know quite a 
few people on this list do too (maybe you already have one too).. I think it's 
a great little unit. It isn't rack mounted (I think there is a new 'poly 
evolver' which IS rack) mine is a little 'desk unit' and for a 'monosynth' it 
is incredibly versatile. It has four oscillators (2VA and 2 real analogue). 
It's got quite nice noise and distortion and a setting called HACK which is 
nice.. It's got a decent step sequencer which can be routed to just about 
anything and each voice can be triggered individually so some patches really 
have four distinct parts even though it is technically a monosynth. Besides, 
you generally only use mono patches for a wind controller anyway, don't you? 
Anyway, like I said, this may not be what your after but if you haven't played 
around with one I recommend you do before you make a decision. You can check it 
out here: http://www.davesmithinstruments.com/

Quoting Richard <richard at chorlton.com>:

> Hi people
> I have just purchased a Buchla Lightning midi controller and I think at long
> last my purchase of the Andromeda is justified. I'm not a keyboard player
> and a year of programming has left me with dozens of patches which i love
> but until never really used for actual music making... (largely because the
> A6 is pretty lousy as a windsynth which until now has been my main
> instrument...) at last I have access to all 16 A6 voices at once routed to
> an eventide eclipse and I am as happy as pig in shit... :)
> of course nothing is perfect: I do a lot of small, low paid gigs and i can't
> drag the A6 with me on trains and planes (too old for that!), I really need
> a small kit. Partly out of snobbery I've avoided VAs (except for the nord
> modular) and romplers... but now I think I need a small 1U, or even 1/2U
> module for performing... I need a real allrounder and it must be sonically
> inspiring...  although I'm interested in the yamha FSR, Alesis micron and
> nord G2 none of them are really right for this job... I'm thinking some
> roland thing is probably the best bet, maybe there is even a laptop
> solution...?
> I doubt a perfect solution exists, but what would you be looking at in my
> situation?
> Richard
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