[A6] A6 songs

Chad Gould cgould11 at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Dec 23 13:24:24 PST 2004

In regards to the Andromeda tracks:

A couple of years ago I made an older-style (TD, Jarre, etc.) track called _NPN_. (It 
was posted on this list.) 

Recently I revisited the track to fix some glaring errors in that track, and also to 
polish up the EQ / compression to something a bit better than before, hopefully. :) 

While there, I discovered a little ambientish interlude track that I don't think I've 
posted before. It was named _G-Force Blackout_ and was kind of cute and short. 

So I'll repost the new editions of these tracks for the benefit of the list wanting A6 
songs. :) 

	NPN (10:56, 21 megs)

	G-Force Blackout (2:54, 5.4 megs)

On both tracks the only synthesizer on this track is an Alesis Andromeda (there's one 
vocal sample on NPN). The recording was done with a RNC compressor and 
Lexicon MPX-1, along with assorted effects pedals that I can't remember. Post-
processing involves Waves and Timeworks plugins.

Have a happy holidays. :)

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