[A6] my thoughts

Ken Lewis kentium at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 31 11:47:50 PDT 2004

I've been closely following the last several months worth of discussion,
and I'd like to chime-in on a couple of things that have been swirling
around in my head for a while.
I am really pleased we have this community, and that there are some
extremely talented and knowledgeable people who contribute to the future
the Andromeda.  Everyone is very committed to making this community so
successful, and it adds REAL value to owning an A6.
It seems like when I buy any new equipment, I *always* search for the
unofficial community site to read-up on what issues, complaints, kudos,
etc are offered up by the ACTUAL people using the gear.  I did this when
I bought the A6.and I'm in the process of researching a new table-top CD
player.and one of the places I found was an unofficial Technics site-
http://sldz1200.net <http://sldz1200.net/> 
(Don't worry.I'm going with the Pioneer CDJ-1000's)
I think our community is great, but I think it could be better- and
certainly more influential when it comes to helping a potential customer
make a purchasing decision.  Consequently, Alesis/Numark may take more
notice of our issues if we are reaching more of their prospects with our
complaints.  Get my drift?
I am a web designer/developer and I think I have the skills, resources,
and time to put into building a more web-based front end to our
community.perhaps similar to how the sldz1200.net site is setup.  What
are everyone's thoughts?  I just feel like a more polished,
professional, easy-to-use, easy-to-find community website would help
emphasize our issues with the A6 and Alesis,  The squeaky wheel gets the
grease, right?
At any rate, I think manufacturers are quickly realizing that a
community of users for its products is a powerful marketing influence
for other potential customers.and as such, they WANT us to be happy with
our gear!
>From my perspective-  all of the R&D work (aside from our list of bugs,
features) has been finished. Alesis has filed bankruptcy/been
acquired.so there shouldn't be any major lingering debt associated with
being able to produce the A6.  It doesn't seem unreasonable to me at all
to think that Alesis/Numark could re-release an Andromeda Platinum
edition that has a new colored face plate (platinum?), a new upgraded OS
(available to all A6 users) and a whole new marketing campaign as a
relatively low-cost way to breathe new life into this product.
I also tend to think that there MUST be at least one or two
Alesis/Numark employees who monitor this list.so they likely already
have our complete list of bugs and feature requests.
There it is.

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