[A6] Offsets and Levels?

Kyle Jarger kjarger at omnisonics.com
Fri Apr 2 14:15:13 PST 2004

Hi All,  

I really appreciate everyone's replies.  And sorry for the multiple messages yesterday...the spam filter here got things all messed up..but its all set now. 

>It's the two coefficients of a linear equation:  LEVEL * (mod source) + OFFSET.
>If your A6 were converting Celcius to Fahrenheit, LEVEL would be 1.8, and OFFSET would be 32.

I kind of still don't get it, as the equation above involves a conversion of one quantity to another way to say the same temperature, but in the a6 case a modulator is affecting VCO frequency...so if I used the equation example above for the A6, and say I set the LEVEL to zero, than the Mod source would not be affecting the destination all (1.8 * 0 = 0), but the OFFSET of 32 would still be affecting the destination.  So this would imply that the OFFSET has nothing to do with the modulation, that it is actually a DC offset to the destination.  (That has the effect of offsetting the modulation if it is non-zero value modulation, but is actually an offset of the destination).  It doesn't make sense to me that this is the case, becasue if it is the case the OFFSET wouldn't be linked to the modulation source or mod index, but to the destination.


Kyle the Pest : )

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