[A6] A6 X Nord Lead!

Christian Zahn aka DJ SETH tranceraven at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 19 16:15:30 PDT 2003

       Everytime I go to this friend of mine studio I
go crazy with the leads Nord Lead has as f!$@&
       The guy knowews shit about synthesis but the
presets of Nor Lead are enough good, I love that sound
and that Filter (HP specially hehe) , then I come
home, I turn my A6 on, and I wonder, come on...this is
fucking killer synth I have, I can do better then him,
I can get better leads than him...BUT I CANT, and it
drives me crazy hehe....
       Its interesting to notice how important presets
are, it affect so much the success of a company.
       Im not any genious on synthesis, I know enough
to do my work BUT I just cant get the phat sound from
my A6 that I envy so much from my Friends Nord Lead.
       So my question is...Can A6 make anything Nord
lead does? HOw? And if not, any tip to get closer?  


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