[A6] loading sysex patch banks

analoguediehard at att.net analoguediehard at att.net
Mon Jun 30 12:37:59 PDT 2003

> > Also, where can I get the Strawberry Flutes patch?  I thought it was 
> > one of the defaults, but it's not.
> This wouldn't be a problem, except that the patches I'm looking for seem 
> to come from the default User Bank of early A6's.  Does anybody have an 
> early A6, and also happen to have a backup of the default user bank?  I 
> think this would resolve things.  It seems like they got rid of some of 
> the best presets . . .

Yeah, I have a beta unit and I saved the early banks.  Gimme a couple of days to
find it in my archives and ship it to Justin.

Be warned that Alesis changed some filter stuff in early beta OS's.  Some of my
patches sounded way different during beta testing, so it's possible that some of
the patches in the early preset banks won't sound right.  Once the A6 was
released, there was zero problems with patch legacy from OS to OS.


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