[A6] A6 future OS

Tony - protokol13 at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 11 06:24:58 PST 2003

>Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 21:28:47 +0100
>From: "Jerry" <zeratul at tdcadsl.dk>
>To: "A6 mail" <a6 at code404.com>
>Subject: [A6] A6 future OS
>I'd like to see random mode for the arpeggiator.
>Can't understand why this is missing at present time...

Well... There IS a way of doing random-type sequences in the trigger page 
for the sequencer.  You select RANDOM instead of NORMAL for the mode, and 
every new note you hit is 'random'.  Unfortunetly you need to sequence the 
notes somewhere else for them to be triggered, because there's a random note 
everytime a note signal is received.  Not sure if you knew this, or it's 
helpful in any way, but it's something.


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