[A6] Free running envolopes

Rizal Khan rizalkhan at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 19:46:02 PST 2014

Thanks Joan. I did refer to tips and tricks before I posted. But can I ask. In the trigger page, what is the source? Anything I've used doesn't stop envelope re triggering with the new notes. I don't mind recording the sweeps but I prefer to use the envelopes. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 20, 2014, at 3:25 AM, Joan Touzet <wohali at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Rizal,
> Here's the excerpt from the A6 Tips and Tricks doc on env triggers.
> You should be able to do this with a different mode (MODTRG/MOD-TG),
> especially if you can send a modulation value from Cubase every time
> you want to trigger the envelope.
> Does this help at all?
> -Joan
> ---------------------------------------
> There are two levels of Triggering on the Envelopes. Trigger, the top level, allows firing the Envelope once from the keyboard or any other Mod Source. Pressing the Envelope Trigger button twice Enables this function.
> Note: The keyboard will continue to be the only Trigger until you change the Mode (soft pot 7) to MODTRG or MOD-TG (the latter includes Conditioned Sustain). It is not possible to have a Mod Source set up to Trig an Envelope but have Trig: OFF, play the keyboard, and Press Trig to Enable the Mod Source, thus switching from keyboard Triggering to Mod Source Triggering. You must change Mode to allow this.
> ReTrigger, which allows you to fire the Envelope again (and again) AFTER the first Trigger has been recieved (via the Keyboard or any Mod Source) is found by turning Soft Pot 8 to the right. The text and parameters update to ReTrig. This allows for several different options. If you wish for an LFO (for example) to Trigger and then ReTrigger an Envelope, simply set the Source to that LFO in the Trig and ReTrig pages, and set the Level and Polarity the same on each page (or differently :)
> Note: Only one Trigger Mode is allowed; it is global for Trig and ReTrig.
> Polarities:
>    Positive: The rising edge of a Trig Source is used to Trig.
>    Negative: The falling edge.
>    Bipolar: Both are used; nice for double-clocking effects where the Env fires twice for each LFO cycle, if LFO is the Source.
> The three Absolute Polarities rectify any bipolar Trigger Sources.
> Note: MODTRG Mode is similar to Freerun, in that when Triggered, the Envelope will run through it's entire shape. MOD-TG includes Sustain. This Sustain is Conditioned by the setting of the Polarity parameter. If Polarity is Positive and MOD-TG is the Mode, then a single positive-going Trigger will fire the Envelope, which will remain in it's Sustain phase until -another- positive-going Trigger is detected. To have the Mod Wheel, for example, be the Trigger, and for the Envelope to fire and enter Sustain for as long as the Mod Wheel is held above the threshold Level and for the Envelope to stop Sustaining and enter Release when the Mod Wheel is lowered below threshold, use the Bipolar Polarity. Up above threshold Level: Fires and Sustains; Down below threshold Level, Envelope enters Release. This of course holds for any Trigger that exhibits duration.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rizal Khan" <rizalkhan at gmail.com>
> To: a6 at lists.soulrebels.com
> Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 8:50:44 PM
> Subject: [A6] Free running envolopes
> Hey guys, 
> I had once done a patch where I can play a few notes without the envelope resetting for every note on. I especially like to do long pitch changes or filter sweeps (something like having the Attack at 15 seconds = 8 bars at 128BPM). Can someone guide me on how to do this. I try and try but it doesnt work no matter what I set the trigger to (i.e. freerun). 
> If you guys know, please help. 
> Additional info is I use Cubase to send midi notes to Andromeda. 
> Thanks 
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