[A6] A vs D?

cgould11 at tampabay.rr.com cgould11 at tampabay.rr.com
Thu May 13 06:42:49 PDT 2004

> I have never heard a digital sizer (ROM player/Sampler/VA or FM) 
> being able to recreate a classic analogue sound. If you don't think 
> your AnalogBasspreset on your JV2080 sound fat and analogue then 
> you haven't played a Minimoog Mode D. That's phatt!!

I think there really is no reason why a properly programmed and 
designed digital synth can't sound "fat" and "analogue", IMHO... 
the problem is getting that proper programming and design right. :) 

Digital synths inherantly have the problem of having to recreate that
pesky upper end without aliasing, leading to sterility. Also, to 
program the randomness generated by the nature of analog is tricky. 

But these can be overcome to a degree. 

In the JV2080's case, I think most of the JV synths (and many other 
PCM synths) still compress their PCM waveforms and perform various 
tricks so they can save ROM costs and still get sixteen bazillion 

The problem is, this compromises performance too much.  I can hear 
the difference between a JV2080 style module and a 
*true*, well-designed digital over PAs. I can also hear the 
difference between a real analog module and most virtual styled 
modules, again especially over PAs. I actually get more annoyed 
at compressed samples these days. If you treat a VA like a VA, 
you'll find some cool sounds at hand.

Realize to that 99% of the population can't tell the difference, 
especially in this age of MP3 players and obnoxious wall-of-sound-
compression radio. You are mainly doing it for yourself and that 
emotive difference that at least the true music lovers in the 
audience *CAN* tell the difference about. That's always been my 
philosophy on this.

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