[A6] Audio clips link.

Joan Sarah Touzet joant at ieee.org
Thu Dec 30 13:28:14 PST 2004

Thus spake Susan Baird (susanbaird at nc.rr.com):
> Joan and all...it would be nice if we could make a page of Andy music 
> on our new home page. I wasn't going to include personal web links in 
> the T&T because people take their music down and sites come and go. If 
> we could actually store mp3s on Joan's server then we can make a page 
> of mp3s that will stay there and we can just add to them. I would LOVE 
> to to put this page together but I zero time. Any ideas?

I'm happy to do that.  Just send me your MP3 files (or a pointer to
them, as Sioux just did) and I'll index & mirror them.  Please include
information such as:

  * song name
  * composer
  * performer(s)
  * date/year of recording
  * any additional equipment used (incl. recording gear)
  * any other descriptive text you'd like
  * link to you (email, web, etc.)

Please, posting of royalty-free, unencumbered mp3s only.  Content on the
A6 site is covered under a Creative Commons license (now being added to
the pages.)


- Joan Sarah Touzet         |So grey is not the color I expected           -
- joant at ieee.org            |On someone who's so often touched by grace    -
- http://www.atypical.net/  |But always she's the spectre of uncertainty   -
- Yes, and................  |I first endured, then faded, then embraced... -

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