[A6] Replace my A6?

Kurt Stengel kstengel at cfl.rr.com
Mon Dec 13 07:16:12 PST 2004


Actually now that I think about it was voice 6 that was funky on one of my
A6's.  Don't think it was a new stock one tho.  I really don't think there
is a diff betw the newest and the prior versions unless you get one of the
1st batches to go out....the beta versions.  I think the A6's in gen are
more problematic than everyone thinks but many just don't notice the
differences and/or the problems.  Many of the voices betw diff models are
quite diff in their relationship w/ ea other in my experience w/ using many
of them.  Some are much better than others.  ASIC tolerances betw units is
the issue most likely.

Kurt Stengel
e.m. control
407-405-5112 (cell)

> From: KC Jackson <subby33 at yahoo.com>
> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 06:58:41 -0800 (PST)
> To: Ioannis Kazlaris <ikazlar at yahoo.com>, <a6 at code404.com>
> Subject: Re: [A6] Replace my A6?
> Hello,
> I had this problem when i bought my first A6.  I
> returned it and got a new one and i haven't had
> problems since. 
> I would suggest u just get a new one personally.  You
> can always shut off voice 6 and have a 15 voice synth
> . . . but thats not what you paid for . . .
> KC
> --- Ioannis Kazlaris <ikazlar at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am very happy with my A6 except for a faulty voice
>> (voice #6). I have posted my problem here and
>> noticed that a few other people have this problem.
>> The A6 is still under warranty and I was thinking of
>> replacing it but what if the new one is faulty as
>> well? Does anyone know if there's a range of serial
>> numbers that are faulty? The problem with mine is
>> that voice 6 went mad after a month of purchase. Any
>> suggestions?
>> Thanx
>> Yannis
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