[A6] Kurzweil 2600 and Andromeda...Getting Them to Play Together...

Sparrenberger, William William.Sparrenberger at coors.com
Mon Dec 13 06:33:33 PST 2004

Though I have had both units for awhile, I have just recently tried to
transmit A6 filter sweeps and the like to my Kurzweil and it's internal
The sequencer records just fine but does not recognize the knob movement
CC messages from the A6. I have pored thru both manuals and the "tips
and tricks" pdf. file and have tried the things in there to no avail. 
I am using the Kurz as the master keyboard. Again, all indications are
that this should work. I have A6 version 01.40.12. 
Has anyone had any luck getting these two to do this

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