[A6] Re: some waveform observations II

leo leo.lydia at wanadoo.nl
Wed Dec 8 03:35:37 PST 2004

i found that by interconnecting the vca with lfo2 put on retrigger with 
an slowvalue of 0.25 and thereafter slowly releasing the ribbon from 
right to left , until the slow detuning beat of the vco's disappear, in 
fact make it possible not only to perform additive granulair and 
physicalmodelling on the A6 , but also to make it a full polyphonic 
sampler !
this makes me feel the A6 is the ultimate synth as it seems to be 
Perfect . sofar no shortcomings (as is usually with other analogs) have 
I found . this in fact is more confussing to me than i thought as when 
every direction is possible , a kind of steerlessness appears inside.
THIS THING IS GORGEOUS !! ( this i mean )
(p.s could the trick above be put under the tips and tricks  for futher 
generations )
cheers, leo/sunny

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