[A6] re:some waveform observations II

Chad Gould cgould11 at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Dec 7 16:48:23 PST 2004

On 7 Dec 2004 at 23:51, Michael E. Caloroso wrote:
> > This coupled with the differences between the filterchips , the vca-callibration 
> > and the tolerance over the keyboardrange to my opinion, will prevent polyphonic 
> > use of fm.
> > In this respect i still feel the biggest shortcoming of the A6's software is the 
> > inability to callibrate the different voices manually !!
> Hear hear!  I was always put off by the Yamaha DX7's inability to tailor FM timbre
> with any low pass VCFs.  And no pulse width modulation on the DX7 either.  What
> were they thinking?!?!? 
> </sarcasm>

Oh, poo. You and I know that analog FM is a bit different of a thing than a DX7. :P 

It *would've* been nice to have the VCAs be stable enough to do tuned poly FM (it's 
a nice sound for that one tuned note after all on the A6), but ya can't have everything 
all at once. (Elsewise it would cost more [and some have tended to bitch about the 
cost of the A6 as it is] or never come out.) 

The A6 still kicks butt without this ability, now. :)

I suppose if I want super-FM patches there's always the computer modular (Nord 
and elsewhere) route... now in terms of FM those things these days frankly kick the 
DX's butt. :)

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