[A6] re:some waveform observations II

leo leo.lydia at wanadoo.nl
Tue Dec 7 12:52:10 PST 2004

"According to that I would say the detune FM artifacts between voices are 
due to small differences in waveform assymetry. They cause different DC 
offsets and different tunes"

I'm still in doubt if this would prove to be The trick for the fm problem. This also regarding the differences in tolerance of the soundchips used in the A6. Even after properly following the tuningprocedures and repeated tuning efforts a (reasonable stable) range of +/-3 to 4 cents between the oscillators occures. 
This coupled with the differences between the filterchips , the vca-callibration and the tolerance over the keyboardrange to my opinion, will prevent polyphonic use of fm.
In this respect i still feel the biggest shortcoming of the A6's software is the inability to callibrate the different voices manually !!

On the other hand i 'm full of expectations to learn something new and ,as i haven't found enough time to  put up the solutions mentioned in Robert's post sufficiently , i would be glad to try a patch in which the mentioned suggestion is worked out.

greetings, sunny

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