[A6] New User, various questions

Chad Gould Chad_Gould at Jabil.com
Mon May 12 12:17:16 PDT 2003

Tony Scharf wrote:
> 2.  Does anyone have any experience with regard to the road worthiness of
> the A6?  I'm not talking about doing 100 cities in 100 nights or anything
> that extreme, but I do have a 6 city tour coming up, and the A6 is such a
> joy to have in front of me - I like the feel of it much better than my
> KC.

The main problems you may have:

- Plastic endcaps. Yes, they crack. [Yes, I would pay for wood ones at this
stage. :P] It's not like other synths aren't built the same way (hi, Juno
106!), and it will last if you are careful. But mine cracked because I
wasn't careful. Oh well.

- The connectors are pretty cheap in the A6. I really haven't had problems
with them, but I've heard reports of dislodged connectors before. It's not
too big of a deal to open the synth and reconnect, though.

The good news: the rest of the A6 is pretty darn solid. One complement: I am
especially grateful that the knobs actually are decent, surviving road wear
well. IE, not either the "POS" variety or the "ultra tiny" variety, like on
most "modern" analogs and VAs. My Waldorf Pulse with its wiggly pots are

> > > BTW, what's this light for?
> > it shouts out: this is an Andromeda !
> Often when people play "real" gigs involving real money they are required
> to cover the logos on their gear so that the manufacturers don't get free
> advertising.  However, it's not clear that one would bother covering such
> essential component as the blue LED...

Sure. It's cool looking. :) I've met few synth players that don't like

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