[A6] hello and patch question

Karl West karl.west1 at btopenworld.com
Sun Mar 2 02:36:53 PST 2003

Getting the PCMCIA card is a big help when saving patches but you can
save over the top of the user presets if you want. Just press the store
button and select where you want to save the patch to (whether to the
PCMCIA card slots or over the user patches). I usually back up all my
patches on my PC also just incase I accidentally reset my PCMCIA card or
I lose my patches. Just download midi OX from alesis's site and bulk
dump your patch via midi and record the bulk dumped information with
midi OX. Just set midi OX to record sysex, press store on the A6, then
soft button 5 for "sysex" page and store again to bulk dump. Then save
the patch in midi OX. I usually record all my bulk dumped sysex data
from my other synths in my sequencer, but for some reason cubase SX
won't record bulk dumps from the A6.
-----Original Message-----
From: a6-bounces at code404.com [mailto:a6-bounces at code404.com] On Behalf
Of Richard
Sent: 01 January 1988 00:37
To: a6 at code404.com
Subject: [A6] hello and patch question
Hello all
I am the happy new owner of an A6. I'm still figuring it all out and
would like to know if there is a way to bakup and recall patches from
different banks individually. For example I would like to keep about 6
of the user preset patches in a bank with patches of my own and maybe
others from other banks too. How is this achieved? Do I need the PCMCIA
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