[A6] midiox question

Tom Moravansky tom at synthservices.com
Fri Jul 11 04:12:21 PDT 2003

On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Richard wrote:

> midiOx seems to work well with win2000 but am I right in thinking it is only
> good for banks rather than patches?.
> I load an individual patch from the PC with midoix it always goes to the
> destination it originally came from eg user 80, overwriting whatever patch I
> had there
> I'm assuming there is no way to control this bad habit?

Ummm, my A6 is down for repair at the moment, and I may be getting it
confused with the Ion, but....   at least on one of these synths you
have the ability to specify the destination patch number during the save

If not, you can always edit the sysex and put in the number you want.

How can you find the info?  Do this -- save the exact same patch to two
different locations.  Do a sysex dump of each one.  Compare the data and
you should be able to see exactly which bytes are used for the patch number.

I know -- it's a low-level hack to the problem, but on the other hand,
you (or someone) can write a simple Perl front end to prompt for the
location number and update the sysex file.

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