[A6] Future of A6

analogdiehard at att.net analogdiehard at att.net
Tue Jan 7 20:22:46 PST 2003

> I will be attending the NAMM show and will ask Alesis about the 
> potential for A6 software updates. If someone wants to consolidate a 
> prioritized list of requested features, I will pass this along to an 
> engineer I know at the factory.

I'd like to see reception of MIDI POLYPHONIC AFTERTOUCH implemented as a
modulation source.  The A6 currently implements only MONO aftertouch over MIDI.

I know the issues over polyphonic aftertouch in the A6's keyboard and I am not
asking for that.  I have an external MIDI keyboard with polyphonic aftertouch
(Kurzweil MIDIBoard) that I would use to generate polyphonic aftertouch MIDI data.

That feature would kill in an analog synth and is at the top of my wish list.

Thanks, Jeff.  I'm missing NAMM this year and really want to get this to Alesis.


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